Street map for image

Cartographic representation prepared to overlap geographic information on other backgrounds such as orthoimages. The geographic information comes from the following datasets - BTN (protected areas, springs, waterfalls, salt mines, group of buildings, cemeteries, monuments, aqueducts, dams, archaeological sites, green areas, sport facilities, recreational facilities and electric plants), NGBE (geographical names of beaches, orography, coastal relief, districts and neighborhoods), BDDAE (administrative boundaries), Transport networks (highways and urban roads, service areas, railway stations, aerodromes and ports), Hydrography (hydrographic network and waterbodies), Populations (settlements), CartoCiudad (portals and kilometer points). Without country boundaries. Data are rendered from the scale 1/20,000,000.

BTN Nomenclátor Límites Transporte Hidrografía Poblaciones CartoCiudad

