Most up-to-date orthophotos of the PNOA
Opaque raster coverage of satellite images and most up-to-date orthophotos of the PNOA. Display range - Sentinel2 image with 10 m pixel size up to approximate scale 1/70.000; for lager scales orthophotos of the PNOA with 0.25 m or 0.50 m pixel size, depending on the area.
Ortofotografías Ortofotos PNOA España
Licence information
- Dataset metadata (PNOA MA) in HTML (text/html)
- Dataset metadata (PNOA MA) in XML (application/xml)
- Dataset metadata (Imagen Sentinel2) in HTML (text/html)
- Dataset metadata (Imagen Sentinel2) in XML (application/xml)
- Licence information (application/pdf)
- Swagger UI documentation (text/html)
- The landing page of this server as JSON (application/json)
- The landing page of this server as HTML (text/html)
- This document as JSON (application/json)
- This document as RDF (JSON-LD) (application/ld+json)
- This document as HTML (text/html)
- Map as png (image/png)